Alright, I can kinda buy that its extremely annoying living next to the Osbourne family. The novelty of living next to the guy that sang "Crazy Train" can only last so long when you have to see his pig-like, drug-addled, useless socialite children every fucking day when you go to get the paper. But you're actually going to complain about getting a free popstar sex-show every night? Seriously? Even if you don't find this girl attractive (which is the first sign of senility... your doctor wanted me to tell you), surely the shameless profiterring to be made would be enough to curb your complaints. But no. Apparently, these people are the worst... neighbors... ever. Like the kind that finds your cat wandering in their backyard... and then kill it instead of calling you. Good people, you know. And yes, I did just liken killing kittens to rebuffing a shot to spy on a naked Christina Aguilera. Thats an analogy of S.A.T.-worthiness.