Saturday, August 25, 2007
Kristen Bell is my Hero. *Ugh*

You forgot the laser level?! Forget it, just get Julia to lean against the 2x4 and mark it!

I'm not even sourcing the various forum posts for the casting rumors. Where's my journalistic integrity you ask? Well, I'm TELLING you that its not true, so there.
+2 Sex Per Second

Friday, August 24, 2007
"Auntie Em" is the Safety Word

Wrath of the Lich King

- Level cap raised to 80.
- New continent: Northrend; Ten New Zones.
- Introduction of the first Hero Class: Death Knight.
- Several new Instances, most notably Icecrown Glacier with....
- .... new endgame boss: The Lich King, formerly Ner'zhul and Prince Arthas.
- New Profession: Inscription (essentially Enchanting for spells instead of weapons)
- Expanded Old Game Content.
Fucking Warcraft. This game has ended more prospective lives than ethinic cleansing could ever dream of. Only now, instead of finding a potential Einstein at the bottom of a mass grave, covered in lye, you'll find him in the form of a dry and flaky residue on countless computer keyboards. Hey, I've got an idea for you Mr. Night Elf Druid, oh I'm sorry... I mean "PwnMastr69420": in the time it took you to increase your Strength from 61 to 110, you could've lifted enough weights to increase your ACTUAL STRENGTH enough to left a small V.W....... OR, you coulda talked to a girl. Just throwing it out there, man.
So what is the product of this annoying combination of addictive gameplay with infuriating long requirements? Let me explain it in terms a WoW nerd would understand. A new class of human being has been produced. The Uber-Nerds have consolidated their position alongside the Koreans and the Socially-Crippled, and with an army of 9 million, have single-handedly put the future of human reproduction in doubt. All across the world, pale and frightened geeks bask in the alien blue glow of their computer monitors, auctioning Witchfury swords and grinding Yeti's in the Alterac Mountains. And all the while, the men's sperm count drops from inaction, and the women's eggs spoil as they realize that their owner has forsaken the ways of the Female. Eventually, a barren landscape, where no one speaks to friends in person or ever has sex with anything living, will appear. And when the aliens finally arrive, all they find that is left of us is a single, fat kid with a lisp, wandering the abandoned Earth, looking for a raid party that will never come.
No great loss.
Icion - Lvl. 60 Blood Elf Paladin - Mannoroth Server
Shanyuu - Lvl. 20 Orc Warlock - Mannoroth Server
Aserephyia - Lvl. 28 Night Elf Druid - Deathwing Server
Serucam - Lvl. 35 Draenei Warrior - Deathwing Server
Full Story (Wikipedia)...
Kirsten Dunst Violated! (sorta)

But seriously, this speaks to me as more of a lesson in buying cheaper shit. Sure, the lost cash, cameras and iPod are going to hurt the same no matter your tax bracket. But a $13,000 handbag? Does it also air-condition your house? Or comes with a 60" flat screen hdtv? Or stimulate your genitals? Something? Listen, I know that girls demand ludicriously-priced purses/jewelry/shoes, but 13 grand?! You could've literally purchased a county in Sierra Lione for that amount of money?
Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta slip on my garbage bag shoes and burlap turtleneck for my job interview with the prestigious 81st Ave. Crack Corporation. Their C.F.O., Mr. D-Rock, sounded very encouraging in his CraigsList ad.
It Must Be Summer (Jenny McCarthy)

Thursday, August 23, 2007
"Mr.Bubbles! Please Get Up!"

Ok, are they gone? Good. Everyone remaining should be a 360 owner, or at least prepared to purchase one. Why? Because the first must-own game of 2007 for the 360 came out on Tuesday. And 'lo, its name was BioShock.
- Lighting and texture effects (especially water) are flawless. -
- Surround Sound is the best in all of Video Game Entertainment thus far.-
- Compelling gameplay, with extensive replay value. -
- Some minor sound glitches, like "ghost bullets" ricocheting around inexplicably.-
- Gears of War has forever made every other FPS wanting for a tactical cover system.-
- No Multiplayer.-
OVERALL RATING: 9.2 out of 10.0
Jessica Biel Loves Quiet, Lesbian Orgies at Home

The thought process that goes through my head when imagining Jessica Biel at home with her friends should be pretty self-evident. Lets just say lots of pink pillows and wrestling matches are involved. And a single, mildly-retarded badger. But as far as the bad boys thing goes when considering she wants to be a homebody now, let me throw this out there: if staying home with a guy that will cry in your arms after sex is what you're looking for, then look no fucking further. Although, somehow, Biel seems less like the "crying AFTER sex" type, and more like the "crying DURING sex" type. Because its just so beautiful.
And it will never happen again. *sobs uncontrollably*
Random Aniston of the Moment
The Spirit of Scarlett Johansson

Fuck You, Pete Doherty.
Great Scott!

Oh my god..... Oh my god, ohmygod, omigod. I will DEFINITELY.... never actually buy one of those. I mean, it seems like a logical move for me, I know. After all, DeLoreans seem tailored specifically for two crowds: cocaine dealers and time travellers. But let me assure you that the cocaine I sell* does all the time travelling for you. But if you don't concentrate real hard on the specific date you wanted, it will usually just send you back to the 1980's. .... and alot of the time if you do concentrate really hard, too.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with November 5, 1955, and 'ol Marty's mom. It seems that day was a fulcrum point of slutiness in the space-time continium. George McFly. Biff Tannen. Hell, even her own son. That chick was just DESTINED to get laid that day, huh?
Full Story (TheDetroitNews)...
* Everyone knows I don't sell, use, or associate with Cocaine. Now...White Slavery. Thats the only lady for me.
Dad, How did Grandpa die? Ever hear of football, son?

See this guy, to the left, he's out of his fucking mind. 59 year old Mike Flynt has decided he's going to right one of his life long regrets and play college football once again. Flynt returned to Sul Ross State and could play as early as Spetember 1st. To absolutely no one's surprise he was drinking when he thought up this bright idea.
Now, I'm not going to go into details because the story is boring as shit and sappier than a split spruce, but what the hell is he thinking? What is he going to tell his family when he gets hit so hard on the first play that his prostate and several other vital organs eject from his body. A well conditioned, top shape 59 year old man is no match for a 22 year old lineman who downs 5 lbs of red meat, 3 creotine shakes and about a half cup of steroids a day. At least he's only 6 years away from Medicare. Ha!
I wonder if he's writing his will at the moment, or maybe he already has it jotted down on the elastic band of his soon to be useless jock strap. Well, at least the Grandkids will have an awesome story to tell. "How did your Grandpa die, Johnny", "He was running a slant play when he when he got hit and turned into a cloud of dust".
30 runs and they still suck.

"I didn't know that. It means we set a record on the good side of baseball," Rangers manager Ron Washington said. "I was just hoping we'd get some consistency."
Foxy Brown: Nazgul, Dementor or Drag Queen?

Getting to news that matters, well not really, I just don't have anything better to write about. Foxy Brown was thrown in the clinker for violation of probation.
She also let People magazine aware that she is currently pregnant. So she's obviously going to give birth to an indescript ball of hair that will grow up to be a D-List rapper who is known for absolutely nothing. I tell 'ya. The future is going to be bright for her kid, if only for an hour a day when he gets to visit the yard and shoot hoops. Holla!Last week, Brown surrendered to police on charges that she assaulted her Brooklyn neighbor with her BlackBerry device. Then, just one day after her surrender, police in Mahwah, N.J., pulled the rapper over after she was spotted talking on her cell phone while driving her 2007 Land Rover. Officers cited her for talking on the phone and failing to stop at a stop sign. In addition, Brown gave police officers a false birth date and a variation of her name. Forced to admit her real identity, police reportedly learned that the musician was driving with a suspended license. Her Land Rover's registration also had been suspended.
Full "story"
As a sidenote, if you understood the references in the title of this post then you my friend are just as sad as I. In that case...you wanna hang out this weekend? My mom said she'd order us Domino's and I got nothing to do and a fistfull of 20 sided dice. Please, please.
Hayden Panetierre fulfills fantasies.

Ok, so it's just an advertisement for milk, but you cannot stop me from thinking differently. Which I do and have done, 3 times already. The fourth time is in progress and fifth has just begun.
Thank you. Oh, thank you, TheBlemish.com.
Jenna Jameson needs food and a new rack.

Apparently she's also completely done with porn. It's fine though, she's rich and having all those good christian people send her 25 cents a day so she doesn't starve to death won't hurt either. "Don't believe me? Just call the number on the bottom of your screen". Seriously, talk about going to hell in a hand basket. Not only did she go in a hand basket but she obviously also did not like the food service on her trip. "Thiiiiinnnnnerrrr"
*I say "What is left of her" because believe it or not she used to look like THIS. (NSFW link)
Seriously, can someone tell me what the fuck is in that first picture?! 'Cause Jenna James or a good looking female specimen, that is not.
Full story @ TheSuperficial.com