Saturday, August 11, 2007
Keira Knightley has bigger things to worry about.
Grumpy is a Slow Mutant
According to a Hong Kong newspaper, Natalie Portman is currently in talks to play Snow White, opposite Jet Li (?!), in a new re-imagining of the classic fairy tale. And by "re-imagining", I mean decidedly anime-esque. Apparently, the story will take place thousands of years after the events of the original Snow White, and now has alot to do with reincarnation, Shaolin Temples, and again.... Jet Li (?!?!).
Now, I've got to agree with IWatchStuff on this one. All of this sounds just a little too crazy to be true. Not the interesting kind of crazy either. More like the Todd McFarlane action figure kind of crazy. I mean, its cool at first to see the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz as a horrific, mechanical abomination. But after a month or so collecting dust on the shelf, all it brings you is the security of mind that no female will ever set foot in your place again. Well, that and the fact that you smear your own feces on the wall daily. But hey, you find me a better way to keep bears away from your living room, then I'm aaaaaaaaalllllllllll ears.
Full Story (IWatchStuff)....
Friday, August 10, 2007
"I got your stones right here, Molarahn!"
It Must Be Summer (Kate Beckinsale)
Tonya Cooley, recurring reality star of Real World and its subsequent 174,000 "Challenge" spin-offs, is considering full-time employment in the adult video industry. Which is.... fantastic, actually. I know it seems like I should be going through the motions of the dumb blond pseudo-celebrity bashing, but honestly, you can't hate someone for finding the thing they seem born to do. This girl showed up on her incarnation of the ever-slightly worse than the previous season Real World with fake breasts ALREADY. And over time, these fake breasts apparently drew more mass into their orbit and eventually co-opted said material into their selves. Its kinda like watching a Discovery Channel special on Star Death*. Only with tats. Geometrically-impossible tats.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The Spice Must Flow
So.... the Spice Girls have apparently banded back together after a hiatus that saw such solo accomplishments as becoming an U.N. Envoy, marrying an overated soccer player, and mothering children with a derelict Eddie Murphy. And, of course, the dozen or so solo albums that sold a combined total of 46 copies.... worldwide. My question is simply this: how did Victoria Beckham become the only one of them that maintained real attractiveness? Yes, you heard me. She who apparently was birthed in a kiln is the sole remaining hot Spice Girl. Sure, Emma Bunton still is passable, but what happened to Sporty Spice over there. Its like she transformed into Lady Sovereign's doppleganger. Plus ten years. And two kids.
In any case, here's the new tour photo contrasted against a picture of my old favorite to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. And after you do, could you please drop me a line and tell ME what I was talking about? I tend to tune in and out of even what I happen to be saying.
Scarlett Johansson is >/= The End of the Cold War?
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Jessica Biel forces me to start praying again.
The rest of this drool-inducing story (Popoholic)...
Mmmm. Alba.

Rachel Stevens... Delicious
What Happened?! - (When Sexual Objects Go Bad) - Pt.1
Michelle Trachtenberg, best known as "Dawn" in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, recently showed up on the red carpet looking like a heroin-addict version of Kratos from God of War. Granted, this girl was always a bit on the pale side (to no complaint by me), but this is starting to be a little ridiculous. Its like she anti-tans in some kind of mad scientist-engineered radiation sponge chamber. Although, a better question is what happened to her tats?! Did she sacrifice them to Athena for fiery wrist-chained blades? If so, Athena, we should talk.
More of the Ghost of Sparta over at the Blemish....Historical Figures vs. Celebs: Round 2!
General George S. Patton - Achieved fame amongst Americans and infamy amongst Germans in World War II due to his brilliant victories throughout North Africa and France. His well-documented "eccentrism" was known to expand to damn-near insubordination, which marred the rise of what would've been the well-deserved promotion of one of America's all-time greatest military minds. After the war, Patton disappeared into obscurity for the most part, and is most well-known from George C. Scott's portrayal of him in the Oscar-winning biography film by the same name.
The Most Normal Thing in the World
What is strange about this? Anybody? Shit, how do you think I spellcheck this blog? If you have a more efficient method than Archduke Bananas, I'd srue liek two heer it.
Man and his Monkey (MSNBC).....
Listen, nobody gets excited to vist a wax museum. Nobody.
But get this, the Jimmy Dean-Queen, her holiness Britney Spears the 1st, has actually gone as far as to give her the mean girls treatment and refuse to eat lunch near her. What's next? Paris Hilton toilet papers her locker and Lindsay Lohan tells the whole school she caught the clap from the captain of the football team?
And yes, like every blogger, I am contractually obligated to ask if Ms. Beckham forgoes using makeup anymore in favor of just having her entire body laminated. Or maybe she just sends a Real Doll of herself to all of these press functions. Either way, I will still admit I'd have sex with her. But then again, I've been known to put the moves to my grandmother's plastic covered couch on more than one occasion. What slutty furniture she has.
One of many sites that has this story....(CelebSlam)
Take A Bow
1. Knights of Cydonia
7. Hoodoo
Historical Figures vs. Celebs: Round 1!

"Party Girl" Tara Reid
This is definitely a tough one with both opponents causing great deals of carnage in their own unique ways. Lets get to know them a little bit better.
Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes was the ruler of Wallachia for three separate reigns during the 15th century. He was the inspiration for Bram Stoker's classic novel Dracula. He is alleged to have instituted a great deal of horrific punishments against his enemies. His favorite was impalement, his preferred technique was to tie a horse to each of his victim's limbs and then insert a well-oiled but not too sharp stake into the anus and forced into the victims body, sometimes till it came out of their mouth. If that wasn't enough a French black metal band named them selves, you guessed it, Vlad Tepes. Can he take down one of Hollywood's favorite C-List Celebs!
"Party Girl" Tara Reid (a.k.a. Hollywood Party Girl)- Tara appeared in some of America's favorite(?) teen comedies and dated superstar athletes Sergei Federov, Tom Brady, Jeremy Shock, and some tennis guy, oh and who can forget her engagement to Mr. Why-Is-He-Famous himself Carson Daly. Following here short lived almost-a-career peak Ms. Reid became one of the most infamous of the already despicable party girls of Hollywood. We already know that Tara could drink Mr. Tepes under every table in Wallachia but could she survive his torture methods?!? Well she did have a few rounds of botched plastic surgery and again she was engaged to Carson Daly, I personally think impalement would be less painful.
Who will win this Battle Royale?!?!?!?!?!? Leave your thoughts and predictions in the comments and we will find out the results in a few days!
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you.....

The Cooper Temple Clause- I fell in love with TCTC after reading a blurb about them in NME on the Metro North. I bought there debut album as an import for a hefty price, but I was not disappointed. After continuing to evolve from album to album proving to be one of the most interesting "guitar-rock" bands. Alas after losing their bassist Didz Hammond and releasing another amazing album the band called it quits in early 2007.

Grandaddy- How does one describe Grandaddy? In the words of the official Emperor of this blog:
"Imagine a family of deers grazing a field of broken toasters". Their breakthrough release "The Sophtware Slump" is a must have indie record, so buy it, now! The final album "Just Like the Fambly Cat" was released a few months after the band announced their split in 2006.

Included below is a link to a super special (not a virus) musical treat:
Single tear....
Monday, August 6, 2007
Pipe Slider... Ha!...juvenile.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Be My Dad, Christopher Walken
'Apparently, Christopher Walken doesn’t know what the symbol @ means. He was furious when changes were made to the script and he couldn’t pronounce the “word”.
In other Walken wackiness, one day on the set he brought in a birthday cake and sat next to it with a sad look. He pretended it was his birthday and sat around as the rest of the crew sang Happy Birthday to him over and over. He did this three times over the course of shooting the film.'
That just may be the most unsettling, yet hilarious joke I've heard in a looooooong while. Any attempt at humor that leaves most people debating whether that was a joke or a quiet cry for help is Shakespearian in my book. Of course, I should mention that MY book was deemed unfit for publication due to a copyright disagreement with the Necronomicon. You know, ancient Sumeria, you used to be cool man. Now, I just don't know.
I just don't know.
"I'm trying to bang this broad, Hen-dree!"
Former Supermodel and Kind-of Actress Angie "The Actually-Hottest Redhead You Will Ever See (*cough* in 1994 *cough*)" Everhart recently got engaged to Joe "Why Is Everyone Laughing At My Legitimate Speech Impediment?" Pesci. Now, I'd usually make some remarks about how unfair and/or counter-Darwinian Evolution this coupling is... but frankly, one time I saw him beat Phil Leotardo nearly to death for bringing up his old shoe-shine job in a not-too respectful manner. Which is another way of saying that I've watched "Goodfellas" enough times now to have substituted my actual memories for a DVD cross-section of the film, resulting in a major legal discrepancy between myself and the good people over at Lufthansa.
Besides, I hear she's from the Five Towns, and that could work out to be a big score someday.
On a side note: it is surprisingly difficult to find a really decent picture of Angie Everhart through Google, as evidenced above. Sure, there's pictures, but what happened to the ones where I'm looming in the background, naked except for my X-ray specs and a generous coat of strawberry preserves whilst carrying the rear-bumper for a 1982 Toyota Arrow. Ah, what an Earth Day that was.
What's statutory mean?
More pictures to feel slightly guilty over at the Blemish
Avril Lavigne wants to be invited to the cool kids' parties
In all seriousness, this picture could've told you this girl has an amazing body years ago. But here's a lesson for ya girls. Ye who dress like goth chick, but is far too attractive to be an actual goth chick, sends off just one message to guys: "I have no sense-of-self and am therefore very easy to emotionally manipulate." Just saying.
But please don't stop. I need to feed on your emotions to sustain my eternal, youthful beauty and supernatural feats of strength.
Thanks to the Blemish for this story. More pics, and a damn funny website overall through the link.
Late, but still pretty...
The 01-18-08, or Cloverfield, poster was released a little while back, and it features absolutely no new information, save for letting us know what the rest of the Statue of Liberty looks like now that its head is located somewhere either in Williamsburg or the Lower East Side (depending on how you interpret the ambigious geography of the trailer). But still...... it is pretty.
Oh man, this movie looks like it will be so awesome that I just might kill myself when I finally see just how badly it will probably suck.