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Remember that movie where those that chick made out in Central Park with Sarah Michelle Gellar? Well, that girl's name was Selma Blair, and if you'd heard that clip on Howard Stern of some girl dirty talking and dropping n-bombs, you've heard of her before. I think she's dating Hellboy right now, or something. Now, usually, I am the type of guy to appreciate any breast size, and oppose implants at every turn. That being said, Selma Blair is one cup size short of being nuclear-grade attractive. Still, I'll settle for m80-grade hotness any day of the week, so I probably shouldn't bitch... alright, you got me... I'd sleep with a trash can... if only it would give me the time of day... *sigh* someday, Rubbermaid. Someday.
Shania Twain is one of the more underappreciatedmasturbatory idols of the 1990's in my opinion. Sure, she got lost in the Spears/Aguilera/Simpson/Moore perfect storm of barely legal (and now running a 50% ratio of "mentally unstable") storm of pop tarts. But, to be fair, she goes have the PERFECT body... and FACE... and CANADIAN-NESS! I know I've put up this picture to the right before, but it still warms my... heart... to this day. Add in the fact that she spent the decade almost exclusively exposing her mid-drift and cleavage, and her lack of appearing in a hardcore porno is the only thing I can hold against her. Especially after the restraining order.
Oh yeah, you remember the Power Rangers. And you definitely remember being the only kid on your block old enough to make crude sexual references to the Pink Ranger... references that you yourself barely understood. Example: "Hey man, I'd totally wash her out" or "I wish I could blow her!!" or something equally disturbingly hilarious. Isn't it funny how the statements we make which are adorably naive when young, become clear indicators of the worst kind of psychopath just a decade or two later? Nevertheless, lets remember the good times, before masturbation took over your entire life and ruined any chance you had of processing a halfway clean thought again for the remainder of your days. Example: right now, I'm wondering how many of the highlighters on my desk could fit in... you know what, just forget it.