Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Reshaping of Azeroth

The Call of the Crusade

The beginning of the End has come. Highlord Tirion Fordring has put a daring plan into motion: to unite the contentious forces of the Alliance and Horde together and select their greatest champions to send against the Frozen Throne itself. To this end, Fordring and his Crusade have founded the Argent Tournament, calling brave and powerful soldiers from all over the world to compete for the right to claim vengeance and glory unparralled in the world's history.

Well, lads and gents, patch 3.2 is here! Well, "here" as of last week, but lets just forget about my laziness for a moment. Besides the obligatory new raid and questlines, this patch brought about some of the most earthshattering changes to the basic structure of WoW en masse. Suddenly, my absolute favorite part of the game, 5man Heroic dungeons, are very very useful again. Add to that the better than decent gear that now drops from the new 5man, Trial of the Champions, I've managed to get my Paladin into all i213 and up gear in every slot... which translates to much easier Ulduar runs and absolute tomfollery in the new Coliseum. Anyone else besides me wish that Garrosh and The Chin would just jump in halfway through the fight and just get this shit over with?!

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
The first news about the much-anticipated 3rd WoW expansion has been slowly leaking onto the internet for over a month, starting with the title above. And while the rumors of new races came out three weeks ago, the absolute buffet of juicy news that leapt off of MMO-Champion this week bears immediate mentioning. I won't get into every specific here, so please visit the link above to get the full story, but some of the more interesting developments include the following:
1) Azeroth is being reshaped! Aszhara, queen of the Naga, and Deathwing, fallen Black Dragon Aspect, have caused an unimaginable catastophe now known as the eponymous "Cataclysm". The coastlines of Azeroth have been almost completely re-written. Kalimdor has been broken in two, and Thousand Needles has been flooded! Durotar has been decimated and Orgrimmar has been destroyed, with a new Orc capital city being constructed over the course of the expansion!
2) New Races! The lost kingdom of Gilneas has been opened once more by the destruction of the Greymane Wall, revealing an infestation of the Worgen curse... and now has introduced the pacified Worgen Gilneans to the Alliance. Meanwhile, Deathwing has attempted to enslave the Goblin race again, resulting in a rebel group of Goblin refugees fleeing to the Barrens and joining the Horde officially at last.
3) New Race-Class Combo's! The return of the Night Elf Highborne with the advent of Night Elf Mages! The Sin'dorei has rebuilt their armies with the coming of the Blood Elf Warrior! Tauren and Gnomes have found the Holy Light, and have begun to train Paladins and Priests! Trolls have brought into the Cenarion Circle and have become druids!

Oh, and just that little thing sidenote that Malfurion Stormrage has returned from the Emerald Dream at long last.... in order to help create a new Guardian of Tirisfal... who just happens to be motherhugging THRALL!!!!

NERDGASM! No words... should've sent a poet!

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