The first teaser poster for Indy 4 is out, and goddamn if it isn't...... awesome? Is this even awesome? From what I can gather, this film will be about a guy who carries a bull-whip, wears a fedora, has the last name "Jones", and owns mysterious crates. Shocker. Well, maybe the crate part. Thats where Indy keeps his barely-documented Indonesia child-prostitutes, whom he simply refers to as "a radio transmitter to God."
And so George Lucas gets to collect a shit load of my money for the "other franchise" again. Only now he has to share it with Steven Spielberg. And Satan, who contractually recieves a cut of the back-end profits since Lucas renegotiated the sale of his soul back in 2002 in exchange for letting Lucifer play "Jedi #42" in "Attack of the Clones".
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