#4... Green Bay Packers
- Never mind the history... never mind the lore of a team that plays in the most successful professional sports market on the planet, yet is owned by the citizens of a small, rural Wisconsin town that is techincally the smallest market in professional sports.... but look only at Brett Favre. I'm going to comment of Peyton Manning in a moment as the future "best Quarterback of All-Time", but let me say first that Brett Favre is the GREATEST FOOTBALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME... no quotes necessary. The Packers are impossible to hate for anyone besides Chicago, Minnesota and Detroit... and honestly, who gives a fuck about them? Chicago makes the Bronx look like Beverly Hills, the Vikings stole their colors from the Lakers and have the inate ability to cultivate a superstar player... only to send them away after a couple of years for eventual success with anothe team *cough* Moss... soon-to-be Peterson *cough*; and Detroit is a place that not even citizens of Detroit ever want to be. But the Packers are the epitamy of NFC Football. Guts, fight, balls. When Al Pacino performed his famous speech in "Any Given Sunday", he later claimed that he envisioned the Green Bay Packers whilst he was doing it. They are Football. They are Forever. And Favre is Thy God.
#3... Indianapolis Colts
- Honestly, how can you not like the Colts? They are like the protaganist of the NFL. They are the classiest organization in the league. You never hear shit-talk from any member of their franchise, and while they have only obtained one title yet, I predict at least two more before the elder Manning retires. And on the subject of the Peyton, let us just admit one thing to ourselves... on a pure, raw skill level... #18 is the best Quarterback to ever play the game. He operates an offense like no other... (although it should be noted by such a Buffalo-whore as I am that the audible-heavy no-huddle offense of the Colts has been done before... in the early 90's behind Jim Kelly)... and attacks secondary's with reckless abandon unseen before in the sports. No... I didn't forget Tom Brady when I said that... because I firmly believe that when playing each other, now, Peyton is the better single player, while Brady plays on the better overall team. Still, he's first round hall-of-fame, as is Marvin Harrison.. and probably will be Reggie Wayne... and probably Joseph Addai.... and maybe even Clark, too. And all of these people are going there because of two men: Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning. And you can never take that ring away from them.
#1b... New York Football Giants
- Ok... this is very difficult. Speaking personally, when I was a child... I was raised as a hardcore Bills fan. I was born in Kenmore, NY.. which is approximately 3 miles from downtown Buffalo. But, in truth, I was raised in Long Island... where you have two choices of teams to root for.. the Jets or the Giants... and believe me.. the Jets were looking soooooo good after Scott Norwood's fifteen seconds of infamy... but eventually, Igrew a begrudging respect for the Giants. They were a punch-you-in-the-face team. They were never a dynasty... most years they were just as much of a disappoinment, if not more so, than the Bills... but they would always steal a huge game against the Eagles or Cowboys every year... a great "fuck-you!" moment was the true joy of the Giants fan for many-a-season... And by my late teens, I was hooked. So I can't place the Giants as a real number #2. Let me just explain that the only reason I place the Bills always first is simple, stupid loyality. The Giants have won a Super Bowl from time-to-time... but the Bills have not. But I'll leave the Bison-cocksucking for the next entry and just say this... no matter what happens in the upcoming Super Bowl... the New York Football Giants have so far provided me with the happiest sports moment of my entire life... by upsetting the Packers for the NFC Championship in overtime, after upsetting the hated-Cowboys in the divisional, after upsetting the Bucs in the Wild Card.... Whatever happens, I apologize, Eli. Now, I believe.

#1a... Buffalo Bills
- Just one. Just one Lombardi trophy before I die. Pleeeeeeeeaaassse. I love you Bruce Smith.
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