Alright, this is more than old news, but I thought it bared mentioning regardless: Alizee is impossibly hot. I mean, like orbiting-so-close-to-the-
sun-that-you'd-be-warping space-time-kinda hot. Sure, we have a long, proud history of pop tart starlets here in the States too, but I gotta be honest... not like this. Which begs the alarming question: are we Americans losing the ass race with Europe?! How will our national security be ensured without a constantly-upgraded stream of mildly-talented, extremely-pro-tools'ed (yes, thats a verb.... NOW) borderline jailbait singers.... to make us feel uncomfortable and confusing emotions? If thats our future, people, I don't want any part of it, man. Just put me on the boat to France right now. I'm pretty good at feigning arrogance and surrendering to Germany.

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