Hello cats and kittens!!!! This is the first post of "Scandalous" your number reliable source for celebrity gossip from reliable sources!!

#1- Rapper Lil' John admits to being addicted to Crunk Juice. You thought it was a clever marketing ploy but the truth is the world famous rap star is physically dependent on his own product. His constant screaming of the phrases "Yeah!", "What!", and "Okay!" are a serious side effect of his addiction.

#2- Due to the major media attention given to the Michael Vick and his involvement in illegal dog fights VH1 has added a new show to it's immensely popular Celebreality Lineup: Celebrity Dogfights. The premise for the show is celebrities pit their dogs against other dogs owned by a rival celebrity, while all living in the same house and having to compete in daily challenges while America watches on live webcams 24hrs a day. Now don't confuse this series with the new FOX show Celebrity Dogfights:

Death in the Sky. In which feuding celebrities go one on one in vintage WW1 and WW2 fighter planes to prove their supremacy in the skies and the media.
Til next time
Hugs and kisses,
Stevey Sweet
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