Natalie Portman, who has been quite overlooked on this site recently and as such has been sent my left pinky toe via express mail as my chosen form of apology, is starting to slowly re-appear around the blogosphere in the past week or so. After rumors broke earlier about her supposed nude scene in Wes Anderson's short film, Hotel Chevalier, she has also been spotted with a new boyfriend at the U.S. Open the other day, and will shortly begin to promote her upcoming children's movie, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, alongside Dustin Hoffman. AND, in evidence of just how much people crave Portman-related news, the following pictures have popped up of Natalie walking around her neighborhood in Manhattan looking uber-pissed. Sure, you could venture the guess that she is just irritated by the paparazzi taking said pictures, but then you'd only be showing your own ignorance of the fact that Natalie Portman is just straight-up gangsta. That girl is 90 lbs. of blood-soaked, kilo-moving, heater-tote-ing, life-sentence super thuggery. She can never love you, she can only love the game.
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