Sunday, September 2, 2007

South Koreans Survive Ganking by Taliban

19 South Koreans have reached home after spending six weeks as hostages to the Taliban. They were accused by the Taliban of coming to Afghantistan as Christian missionaries, a charge denied by the group and South Korean government. Two of their number had been executed during their captivity. Interestingly enough, the Koreans openly apologized to their government upon their return, citing the trouble and unrest they had caused their people.
First... that shows the cultural rift between us and everyone else, huh? Any kidnapped American would be rewarded with a T.V. movie about their story, and would probably sue the government upon return.
Second... the captivity was terrible, yes. But not nearly as much as the horror of returning home and finding out they didn't log out their Orc Warlock in an Inn, and therefore have earned no rest points. Which results in 19 suicides. "The honor of my family's gold farming business has been forever ruined!

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