Wow. No one saw this coming. Especially not me. I mean, how could you? An independant contractor, who in the vein of all farmed-out government work just happened to be the lowest bidder, that operates outside of the regional justice system is suspected of abuse. No way. I'm so fucking shocked that this expression might be frozen to my face forever. Good thing I look disarmingly sexy in any facial expression. Besides, that last one I had on actually caused a few fat chicks to kill themselves for their instant knowledge that they would have no shot with what Webster's defines as "Hotness Incarnate".
Seriously, though, this whole Iraq thing is bad enough without us hiring out mercs, and thats what they are... fucking mercs.... , to do our dirty work for us. This is exactly the kind of thing that ends up fucking over the evil empire in the end of every science fiction movie. And seeing how we, as a nation, are just one white-armor clad soldier away from humming the Imperial March before baseball games, that maaaaaay not be the best idea.
Distract yourself from our upcoming collective demise by staring at pictures of Catherine Bell in pseudo-military attire.
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