There. You're welcome. But for the rest of us nerds who have been keeping abreast (hehehe) of the situation, lets all take a moment to
bask in the soon-to-be missing best Sci-Fi television show on T.V.... and easily the best fiction series in the last few years, period. And while we're basking, lets enjoy the high average hotness of the females on this show. But please, as we bask, don't look at me. In fact, I'm going to take this into the other room..... Oh! Oh, Battlestar! You're plotlines are so engrossing! Yes! Yes! Oh God, give me your well-constructed dialogue! Oh yes! Great Special Effects! OOOOOOHHH!

*lights smoke* Mmmmm... that was great, baby. I've got a meeting early tomorrow, but I'll totally be back next Friday night. Don't worry about Grand Theft Auto IV, she mean's nothing to me*.
By the way, Battlestar Galactica airs at 9pm EST on the Sci-Fi Channel.
* - You know I don't mean that, GTAIV... I was just saying it to make Battlestar feel better. Now come here and sit on my lap, my sweet. Daddy's got a whole night planned for us.
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