1. Because I despise Donovan McNabb
2. It's a nice display of the talent McNabb drove out of Philly due to his monumental sucking
3. He does this dance because he's elated, he hasn't had to play for Philly in 3 years, what's there not to be happy about? That and the fact he doesn't HAVE to hear the words "Chunky" or "Soup" 150 times a day anymore. Which was once bound by contractual obligation. Thank you Ms. McNabb. Bitch. Anyway, now getting to the real news, which when read will infuriate you. Mostly because of Donovan's arrogance, ignorance and just plain stupidity
Donovan McNabb recently sat down with James Brown, no not the deceased singer/songwriter, although that would have been fucking awesome. The former football player turned sports journalist and Terry Bradshaw acessory. He told Mr. Brown that African American quarter backs are criticized much more for their play than their Caucasian counterparts. 'What's the big deal, he makes a valid point" is what i'm sure you're saying at this moment. Please, bear with me. It gets better, or worse, depends on how you look at it. What you'll be reading next is a large excerpt of the article in question, and no, I did NOT doctor it.
"I pass for 300 yards, our team wins by seven, [mimicking]
'Ah, he could've made this throw, they would have scored if he did this,' "
McNabb tells HBO.
"Doesn't every quarterback go through that?" Brown asks. "Not everybody," McNabb replies.
Brown then asks if the media is tougher on him than on white quarterbacks such as Carson Palmer and Peyton Manning.
"Let me start by saying I love those guys," McNabb tells HBO. "But they don't get criticized as much as we do. They don't."
In the interview, McNabb also talks to Brown about playing in Philadelphia, a city known for passionate sports fans who aren't afraid to criticize the city's pro athletes.
"Every year I'm part of some criticism," McNabb tells HBO. "But every day that we go through life, you're faced with a lot of adversity. Now the answer is how do you handle the adversity. How do you respond? "I try to handle myself with class. I try to handle myself with dignity. I think sometimes people look to players to act out, speak loudly, pretty much be an idiot. But that's not me."
Ok, where the fuck do I begin. Hoooly shit. I guess I'll respond in order. First off, yes, McGag! Every QB goe through that you fucking elitist dolt.
Secondly, yes. Carson Palmer and Peyton Manning do get criticized. Maybe Carson less, but Peyton Manning up until last years Superbowl was one of, if not THE, most criticized QB in the league. I think anyone with half of a brain who watches football would agree with me.
Finally, the part I get a kick out of the most. Donovan, D-Mac, whatever the fuck you're going by these days, guess what? You get criticized in Philly becaue the fans are grade-A assholes and you haven't done shit for the team. You're a perennial choker and when you got to the big game you choked because you had the fucking sniffles You gave up because you had a cold, are you kidding?! Terrell Owens played with a broken fucking ankle with no complaints.
Here's my favorite part though and I'll quote it again just 'cause it's so damn contradictory. "I try to handle myself with class. I try to handle myself with dignity. I think sometimes people look to players to act out, speak loudly, pretty much be an idiot. But that's not me." What?!?! That single sentence nullifies anything you just said and describes everything you are being by making these kinds of ridicuous statements. You don't see Michael Vick making these comments, oh wait. OK, well, you don't see Vince Young saying this stuff. Oh, wait, Vince is actually good. David Garrard, no, he's in Jacksonville, no one cares about them. Hmmm, looks like you're on your own. By the way, Eagles are now 0-2 on the season. Go, Go, Gadget failure!
Full Article. Interview will be aired TONIGHT on HBO's "Real sports with Bryant Gumbal".
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