But thosse people were sentenced to an aeon of servitude to the great council of T.G.I.F. on ABC-ians, and thereafter were sold to the 'Must-See-T.V." of NBC-ians in the Great Contract Negiotiaon in Perputity of Finanical Liability and Limited but Not-Secure Binding Settlement of 1484 A.D.
And lo' the people doth weep........

1, Kristin Cavalieri.....Laguna Beach girl of whom I accept the fame of purely based on genetic apititude.
2.Jennifer Love Hewiit....A joke goes here, but all I can think of is "....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
3. Jennifer Lover Hewitt...Seriously, this girl is scary beautiful.
4. Tonya Cooley....Begin to understand my weakness for slutty blond girls.
5. Christina Aguilera....Begin to understand my weakness for impossibly attractive blond girls.
6.Jennifer Aniston....For Fos. Or else, he may *sigh* violently at me.
7. Avril Lavinge....One of my favorites. And your favorites? Frankly, your mother already explained to me your deviant tastes over a nice cup of post-Rough Sex coffeee last week, and frankly I'[d rather not know.
Expect alot of the similar to come. Those who still read have been warned.
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