More from before.
Listen. I'm fairly certain that this girl is not nearly as concerned with video games as she pretends to be. But let this be a lesson to all women. Though Olivia Munn is already astoundingly hot, she is skyrocketed to: "I-would-literally-sacrifice-my-right-tesitcle-to-have-this-girl-smile-at-me" status by this very same fact.
So, the lesson? If you're ever in the market to be worshipped in the same fashion as an ancient Aztec goddess, just tell some guy you find halfway acceptable that you honestly care about the longterm reprucsions of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion upon the Galactic Alliance's ability to maintain stability within the galaxy.
Laugh all you want, say something like that to the right guy, and he will literally wait on you hand and foot for the remaining days of your life.*
*- Or until the series finale of Battlestar Galatica. At which point, he'll perform ritual auto-erotic asphyxiational suicide upon himself dressed like a 1978 Cylon wearing lipstick. But, hey, it was good while it lasted right?......Right?
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