Back to the point (there was a point?), Adrianne Curry recently posted a rant on her MySpace blog. In said rant, were Curry's controversial beliefs about how we, as a society, should eliminate Black History Month and B.E.T. You can shoot through the link for her whole post, but here's the sum of it:
"This is gonna be hard guys. I LOVE the comedians on BET. I also LOVE the fact that they play my favorite show of all time, In Living Color. However, I do not believe in seperating ANY RACE in America. WE ARE AMERICANS! How dare we have Black History Month!...Yes, I get it. Black people were slaves here once. You know what? That does suck some major balls, however, it is time to move the fuck on. Do we hear the Jews crying that they were made slaves for thousands of years? Do we hear them whine that they should OWN the pyramids in Egypt because THEY broke their backs making them? Do we hear them bitch and moan about Hitler, etc? (my hubby is a Jew)Nope, we dont. It's time for us to UNITE AS ONE. I do not think that singling out one race, giving one race opportunities to go to college (I know a TON of poor white.asian, indian, american indian, etc etc that could use that too!), giving one race the EXCUSE to blame things on others for being whatever nationality they are, is a good way at making sure we NEVER kill racism..."
A couple of comments: first, I never thought I'd say this, but I do agree with her in principle. Essentially its the entire anti-Affirmative Action argument. Which is true, and a very valid, and often not-well-publicized point. Although, I'd argue that B.E.T. is, infact, not a segregated network but a cable channel that serves one, very specific demographic. And thats not strictly black people. It is, however, for those interested in a particular musical and stylistic sub-culture that happens to be predominately populated with a majority of black people. That being said, everything else is fairly spot on. But, I wonder if Ms. Curry has thought about just how emotionally mature America is concerning this subject. This is not something that is open to rational discourse in this country. In fact, this is a subject that seems to spawn nothing but knee-jerk, inflammatory, and utterly brainless statements by both sides. Sure, they're are plenty of individuals that can rationally discuss this. But the only opinions that get on television are those of Al Sharpton on one side, and the Klan on the other. And while the Klan is easily more abhorent in its history of violent acts, both them and Sharpton are equally misguided, hate-driven, and generally bereft of any redeeming quality as human beings. Oh, and I refuse to call Al Sharpton a Reverend. And if he bitches about THAT being racist, he can resolve this by addressing me as Rev. Keinada from now on. Reverend of the Church of Stone Cold Steve Austin. "And now a reading from the book of Austin, selection 3:16.... And lo' did Stone Cold come into the Madison Square Garden, and there were sounds like breaking glass for all to hear. Thus was the false prophet Vince McMahon confronted as to his sexual orientation, whilst Holy Stephen did drinketh of the Steveweisers. And at the end of the seventh browbeating, there were Stunners for all. And it was Good. Can I get an Oh Hell Yeah? *crowd* Oh Hell Yeah!.... And thats the bottom line.... *crowd* Cause Stone Cold Said So!"
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