Well, Hotel Chevalier, the 13-minute short that is meant to precede The Darjeeling Limited, hit the internet this morning with Natalie Portman's magnificent ass on full display, as well as her nude.... flank? Honestly, what would you describe a girl in profile, conveniently obscuring her breast with her arm, yet displaying the most spectacular profiled-outline of a woman that you ever seen? Alright, I can tell I'm losing some of you already. But watch the clip, and then tell me otherwise. And then I'll inform you, in return, of your latent, and now full-blown, homosexuality. Which is cool, man. Hey, you can't change who you are. But maybe you should stop living a double life, and this Thanksgiving sit your parents down for a nice long chat. And when your father claims he doesn't believe it, saying that you're just confused, you too can show him this video. When he hears your reaction, all of his doubts will be assuaged. From there on out, its easy street. A penis filled easy street. .....Furthermore: oh for the day when Ms. Portman will make the jump from extremely sexy, yet cock-teasing nude scenes (see: Closer, Goya's Ghost, etc.) and just start walking around every film naked as the day she was born. And I don't mean just her movies, I mean EVERY movie. "Riggs! I'm too old for this shit!" "Shut the fuck up, Rog, did you see that nude pixie that just walked by?!" *Danny Glover rolls head on swivel, and then blows Mel Gibson's brains out* "I've been waiting five movies to do that..... *muttering to himself* ... play second fiddle to a Evangelical Australian, my black asshole! I killed the Predator for christ's sake...
Click Here to get it free from Rapidshare... ...Or, download it for free over on iTunes....
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