Trishelle Cannatella, best known first for being the prototypical good girl-gone-slut on the Las Vegas edition of the Real World, and then for D-List celebrity on a dozen or more reality t.v. and game show based entertainment, will be soon co-starring alongside close friend, Steve-O, in his new series Dr. Steve-O. Which isn't really news, persay, but it gives me a good reason to A) mention what will probably be Steve-O's last foray into television before his inevitable, and hilarious, drug overdose; and B) display pictures of a scantily-clad female throughout. Granted, Trishelle is around #6 ot #7 on the list of hot Real World girls, probably lower, but nevertheless she can lay claim to a few billion of my prospective children left to die in the cold, lonely vacuum of atmosphere whilst drying on my bedsheets. Then again, I'm fairly certain that that claim could be made by almost any television personality who has breasts. Vaginas optional.
Seriously though, I will check out this show. If only because Jackass and Wildboyz are both gems in their own right. And because there is no limit to the amount of times I can watch Steve-O vomit on camera.
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