The fact of the matter is this: "rollies" are actually far, far more dangerous than commercial cigarettes, and are the rough equivilant to chain smoking three Lucky Strikes back-to-back-to-back. But here is a more obvious fact: who cares?! If you are a smoker, and I am, you've rationalized your habit with your startling lack of self-preservation a long time ago. And if you are going to be that guy that answers an invitation to step outside for a smoke by breaking out a vertiable duffle bag of tools just to construct your ornate nicotine device, why don't you just kill yourself already? Besides, pretty soon you're going to have to excuse yourself to the surface of the Moon just to have a smoke legally. I don't know about you, but I'm strongly considering going back to crack cocaine. You know, for health reasons.
Source (Celebitchy)....
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