Emma Watson is just under a month from her 18th birthday, and every blog on the internet seems to be counting down the days now. Granted, we all want to feel just a little less shady for finding Emma attractive. But what exactly is everyone expecting to happen on April 15th? Everytime one of these young starlets starts creeping up to the magic number 18, everyone starts acting like the day after their birthday they will release a hardcore porn video... or at the very least a Playboy spread. First, when has that happened... ever?! I don't even believe the actual pornography sites that claim they signed their girls on the exact day of their 18th. Hence if you can't get real porn stars to do it, how do you plan on getting legitimate actresses to? Second, and this one is mildly more serious: what REAL difference does that day make, buddy? You've obviously been digging this girl for awhile now, and this does not retroactively wash away any skeeviness you might have already stained thy self with. Tip for the future, just always say that _____ WILL be hot someday. Everyone already knows what you really mean, but they will usually pretend you're a normal human being. Only you and I really know that this is far, far, far from the case. Don't worry, bud, your secret is safe with me.
Hey, everyone! Did you hear what this sicko just told me about Emma Watson?! What a fucking freak!
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