Right off the bat, being a psychopath is not a reasonable excuse for only noticing $72 million dollars in lost funds. I'm fairly certain that one could obtain some documentation proving such a large amount of money was "misplaced". This leads me to believe one of two things: 1) Love didn't notice until sometime around last Friday; or 2) that Love is somehow involved in some spectacularly stupid embezzlement scam. Either way, I think anyone who allows this large of a sum to be filched deserves to lose the money... usually. That being said, this money doesn't belong to her anyway, it belongs to Kurt Cobain... and by proxy, his daughter, Francis Bean. Seeing how I am still completely convinced this coke-whore had Cobain killed, you'll excuse my undying hatred for her. After all, bankrupting her and letting her sink back down into the alleys and gutters of America is kind-of like returning her to the natural Darwinian order. Seriously, this "woman" has become the type of girl that would cause a condom to scream shortly before penetration, as if it were about to be immolated like that guy in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
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