Ah, yes. The inevitable rats deserting the sinking ship manuver. It is getting to be that time, isn't it? Just a little less than a year and a half left now in the statistically second worst presidency of all time (the winner of that contest is actually Herbert Hoover, look it up you savages), and the unchallenged worst presidency ever when it comes to foreign policy. I think its time to start tallying it up:
- Two U.S.-initiated War Actions (Iraq, Afghanistan) against 3rd-world countries, both of which have yet to be won. -
- Biggest percentage drop in approval rating in history (89% on Nov. 2, 2001 vs. 28% on Aug. 27, 2007). -
- Largest erosion of good faith between the U.S. and European nations since World War II. -
- Inability to stiffle North Korean nuclear expansion. -
- Inability to stiffle Iranian nuclear expansion. -
- Inability to sufficiently disrupt Al-Qaeda. -
- Inability to capture and/or kill Osama Bin Laden. -
- The complete destruction of the city of New Orleans, LA. by inaction. -
- Nepotism and Favoritism in appointment-procedures cripple F.E.M.A., the C.I.A., the Justice Department, and the newly-created Homeland Security department. -
- Record numbers of high-level Republican politicians indicted or resigned to avoid indictment: Tom DeLay (corruption), Duke Cunningham (corruption), Scooter Lobby (purgery), John Ashcroft (undermining of civil liberties), Donald Rumsfeld (purgery, undermining of civil liberties, possible endorsement of war crimes/torture), Mark Foley (attempted homosexual pedophilia), David Savafian (corruption), Claude Allen (petty theft), Paul Wolfowitz (purgery), Matteo Fontana (fraud), Michael Brown (gross negligence), Jack Abramoff (corruption), etc. etc. etc.
- Energy Industry Fluxiation, kills Enron (alongside the efforts of Kenneth Lay) and empowers Halliburton.-
- A new low in Election ethics. -
- Two Questionable Presidential Elections, one shady one in 2004, and one blatantly illegal one in 2000. -
- Total Collapse of the Housing Market. -
- Largest Scandal Count in U.S. history. -
- 3,852 Dead United States Military Personel since 2001 (3,574 in Iraq; 264 in Afghanistan)
And that's just a general outline. I think I'm a little nauseous after writing that. C'mon January 2009.... I'm waiting.
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