Monday, August 27, 2007

So... the point was?

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Malaki, who has come under serious fire recently for not getting the new Iraqi democracy on a proper footing fast enough, was visting neighboring Syria this past weekend, where he claimed that if the United States would no longer support his democraticaly-elected government, then he would seek allies elsewhere. Of course, the most obvious choice for new friendships would be with the governments of Syria and Iran, both of whom the U.S. has accused of aiding the Iraqi insurgent movement over the past few years. While President Bush has officially stated that any change in Iraqi leadership would have to be made by the Iraqi people themselves, such an alliance would force the current administration into a tough situation in both the long and short term. Such an agreement would render U.S. influence impractical in the stumbling country, and subvert any interpretation as the war action as having any positive effect for the American government.
Well, this seems about right. First, we start a war for the wrong reasons. Then, we fight the war improperly, with a healthy mix of incompetance on the part of officials and inhumanity on the part of a scant few renegade troops (with 99% of our legitimate and respectable fighting force paying in honor and lives every fucking step of the way). Finally, the worst possible conclussion presents itself as being the most likely. On a serious note, it'll never happen but I can think of about a dozen or so people in Washington, D.C. and Crawford, TX, that owe almost 4,000 families a serious apology. Or more appropriately, they should be offering their lives for the offense they've perpetrated.
But since that will never happen, can we just launch the entire administration out of a cannon into a brick wall? I know, I know. Listen, I could run down the legitimate arguments for a military coup of this government. But honestly, I don't have the time nor patience anymore to do so. If you really still think all of this was a good idea, then the only response I have anymore is to kick you in the fucking teeth. No jokes here. Right in the fucking teeth.

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