Michael Vick, who has officially dominated this blog for the last few weeks, is finally coming to the end of the legal process by which he will be eventually incarcirated. Today, Vick plead guilty to federal dogfighting charges in a Richmond, Virginia courthouse. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 10. Most have concluded Vick will probably face around a year of jail time, almost $500,000 in fines, and already has recieved an "indefinite suspension", without pay, from NFL commisioner Roger Goddell.
So, essentially, Mike Vick is done. The Falcons will be forced to finally scout out a new quarterback, not being able to simply wait out an entire season, or possibly two, with a backup Q.B., and hope against hope that Goddell lets Vick play in 2009-2010. Which, if one follows how things work in the NFL, will make Vick essentially unsignable by almost any other team as well. MAYBE the Oakland Raiders, but thats about it. Now, all that remains is for Vick to quietly go to prison, and then be released to disappear into obscurity, occasionally surfacing every five to ten years to film a segment on either Inside the NFL or Real Sports about the entire incident. And from this tenuous position, Vick can contimplate how he's traded temporary fame for eternal infamy, and all possible implications to the phrase "sub-human".
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