As a self proclaimed dog lover this pisses me off to an infinite extent. Particularly because I myself am an American Pitbull Terrier owner. It's "people" like DMX and Michael Vick who will continue to give these dogs bad reputations. All because they'll always want money, this type of money is not regular green backs though. This is blood money, enjoyment and profit at the expense of helpless, suffering animals who know and do only what they are told to. Animals, dog's in specific are a reflection of their owners. I understand there is nothing that says DMX was fighting these dogs, but you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to not realize that they would be or have been in the past. This isn't a first for him either, he's already pleaded guilty for animalty cruelty back in '02 when 13 pit bull's were found on his premesis in NJ.
Seriously, I'm sick of this whole Pit Bull fad, bullshit. These assholes are destroying a breed, it's shit like this that lead to BSL (Breed Specific Legislation). BSL is a law that will not allow certain breeds of dogs in certain area's of the world. BSL can rip a dog out of a home at any point and time, wether you have owned the dog for 10 months or 10 years. Wether it's a problem dog or a big mush, it does not matter. This isn't just limited to pitbulls, Rottweiller's and Doberman's are also listed as a "dangerous breed" as per BSL and can even make it hard or impossible to attain home owners insurance.
If there is any justice in this shit hole of a world these assholes will be eaten by a pack of African Wild Dogs while on a tandem trip to Namibia in search of their career's. Ya' hear that Dave Chapelle?
Full story.
Sorry for being single handedly serious and non sensical, I promise this is the first and last serious post I will ever make on here. Unless Keira Knightley accepts my proposal a week from today, then you'll never hear from me again. Or if she finds me in her trash can, either way I will be indisposed.
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