It seems that although Shaolin Monks can withstand subzero temperatures in a perfect state of meditation, and THEN procede to also be the invetors of Kung Fu, they have finally developed a weakness: Internet Flaming via Blogs. Some internet blogger has been posting claims that a Ninja defeated several Shaolin Monks in hand-to-hand combat recently. The best part is that the Monks are taking this so seriously that they are coming out and condeming these claims publically in newspapers across China. I'll leave the hilarious/action-lacked details to be read through the link. However, let me just offer up my one, cherubic-eyed prayer that this somehow results in David Carradine finally kicking Keanu Reeves' ass. "I know Kung Fu!"..... *crack* *pow* *smash* *decapitate* *sodomize?* .... "Yeah, well I was ON Kung Fu ...bitch."
And for anyone wondering, its actually against both state and federal law to speak the words "Kung" and/or "Fu" without mentioning David Carradine within at least two paragraphs before and/or after. Look it up.
Oh, and those Shaolin Monks clearly got pwned.
Full Story (MSNBC)....
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