So, thank god for that. Its almost as if God heard my whining (which was admitedly droned on long into the night) and corrected the issue. However, it turns out it was actually Ashton Kutcher who was responsible for this whole debacle in the first place. Two things: 1) is it really possible to just hang around famous people now, and by proxy remain famous? Seriously, to the best of my recollection, this guy was in two successful television programs... and about sixteen nearly direct-to-dvd movies. 2) How much of a one-trick pony can one man be? The only "new" twist to this show is that Kutcher is now "punking" *again, shudder* the general public via celebrities, not the other way around. I'm also fairly sure there's some vaguely arrogant message about teaching the public not to trust paparazzi involved in this. I just think its buried under five-feet of self-important, Hollywood bullshit. I reiterate: if you do not want to be followed around by cameras all day long, maybe you should've chosen a career path not related to the entertainment industry.
Boy, those celebrities sure showed us. They proved that not all tabloid stories are true! I guess we should stop wasting countless metric tons of ink on every little detail of their private lives. Of course, then about 90% of them would have to actually WORK once in awhile to maintain their fame. I have a feeling SAG strikes have started over less. After all, being rich for no reason is tough work.
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