Getting to news that matters, well not really, I just don't have anything better to write about. Foxy Brown was thrown in the clinker for violation of probation.
She also let People magazine aware that she is currently pregnant. So she's obviously going to give birth to an indescript ball of hair that will grow up to be a D-List rapper who is known for absolutely nothing. I tell 'ya. The future is going to be bright for her kid, if only for an hour a day when he gets to visit the yard and shoot hoops. Holla!Last week, Brown surrendered to police on charges that she assaulted her Brooklyn neighbor with her BlackBerry device. Then, just one day after her surrender, police in Mahwah, N.J., pulled the rapper over after she was spotted talking on her cell phone while driving her 2007 Land Rover. Officers cited her for talking on the phone and failing to stop at a stop sign. In addition, Brown gave police officers a false birth date and a variation of her name. Forced to admit her real identity, police reportedly learned that the musician was driving with a suspended license. Her Land Rover's registration also had been suspended.
Full "story"
As a sidenote, if you understood the references in the title of this post then you my friend are just as sad as I. In that case...you wanna hang out this weekend? My mom said she'd order us Domino's and I got nothing to do and a fistfull of 20 sided dice. Please, please.
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