Here's Julia Stiles, whom I have affectionately named "Shovel Face" for several years, walking the red carpet at the Bourne Ultimatum premiere. Ms. Stiles' star is rising these days, after staking a claim with the only halfway decent spy movie series in years, and is rumored (to varying degrees of authenticity) to be in talks with such wide-ranging projects as the Justice League project to several soon-to-be unwatchable period pieces. However, due to the fact that these tidbits come from various forums in the guise of fanboy-journalism, I wouldn't put too much faith in any of them (read: "any faith"). Except for the period piece thing. Thats probably a definite, if only because it feels like something she would do. And we could probably figure out which "period" they were talking about, too.... for in the time before flat countertop was invented, Julia's face was about the best substitute as something to set your drink on. I'm told the Sioux Indians refer to her forehead as "The Great Plains".
I'm not even sourcing the various forum posts for the casting rumors. Where's my journalistic integrity you ask? Well, I'm TELLING you that its not true, so there.
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