Janice Dickinson, who had the Real Doll-look going about a decade before Victoria Beckham grew breasts, recently participated in a P.E.T.A. protest against fur. Because... the whole fur is murder thing is really relevant. Not war, famine or environmental collapse. Fur. Honestly, why don't we just give the animals our old Member's Only jackets. My dad has got at least a warehouse full sitting around.
Seriously, look at the pictures (some NSFW) through the link of the actual protest. And now tell me Ms. Dickinson did this for any reason other than touching young, exposed penises in a public place . Which there is nothing wrong with I might add. But why don't you just go down to the bus station restroom like I do? Sure the quality of the crop you'll find down there might now be as good, but the quantity is literally overwhelming.
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