Ok, I got nothing for Invasion's flop-age. That's just what happens when you remake Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And, bear in mind that a new blockbuster-to-end-all-blockbusters has been coming out every single Friday this summer, usually more than one at once. Hence, a barely-enticing sci-fi remake MIGHT have itself a bit of a problem. However, as for the Catholic League..... *sigh*. That's all you get: *sigh*. I was born and raised Irish Catholic, and had the dubious privellage of recieving The Catalyst, which is the League's uber right-wing newsletter. It should be noted first that the editor's of said publication all seemed to have dropped out of school with only a 5th-grade education in Science and History. And second, that they all reeeeeallllly need to get laid. And not in the closet, meth-fueled gay sex kind of way. More like in the shot in the fucking brainpan way. Which is, of course, the 43rd position of the Kama Sutra. Well, at least in the copy I picked up in Singapore last spring**. In either case, the point is that every time these "people"*** open their mouths about anything, a million unborn Catholics suddenly become agnostic. Oh, and on a more important note, apparently being the most successful single religious (or even secular) institution in the history of mankind must be so tough. I hope there is a special place in Hell for these people to sit around a poker table and bitch about how God is anti-Catholic for sending them there.
* - See Dune. Actually, as a matter of fact, don't see Dune.
** - Unfortunately, not the ONLY thing I got.
*** - At least in a biological sense, I suppose.
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