Sunday, August 19, 2007


Kristen Bell, who used to be Veronica Mars or still is (I don't even know if that show is still on the air), loves Star Wars. And because of that, we are now married. Legally. Somebody should let her know next time they see her. Alright? Good.
This entry is somewhat dual purpose. First, I wanted to set the record straight up there on the more important issue (as per Section 142a, Paragraph 7, Lines14 - 16. of the Geneva Convention: "Star Wars is more important than anything else... ever. For example, your wife is on fire, but The Empire Strikes Back has only ten minutes left. Answer: let her burn.) this post could also be considered of the "It Must Be Summer" variety,due to this recent poolside pictures popping up as well. So, two for the price of one. Everything must go. 0% financing. Free newborn with every purchase. Terms and restrictions may apply. Offer not valid without proof of purchase.

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