Stephen Colbert was apparently doused with water on-air by billionaire Richard Branson during an interview recently. The incident apparently stemmed from Branson claiming that Colbert wasn't letting him plug his new airline on the show. Colbert, true to form, responded by holding a beat, asking for some water from one of his crew, and promptly dousing Branson right back. The whole thing seemed to come off more uncomfortable than funny, which will happen when a crazy billionaire loses his marbles on television. Although Comedy Central originally claimed the episode would be cut, and re-taped at a later date, they have since said they will air the unedited episode. The Colbert Report interview will be aired on August 22.
Stephen Colbert >/= Ten Jesus's. Or 0.7 Michael Jordans. Seriously, if I believed in God, that guy would be It.
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