See this guy, to the left, he's out of his fucking mind. 59 year old Mike Flynt has decided he's going to right one of his life long regrets and play college football once again. Flynt returned to Sul Ross State and could play as early as Spetember 1st. To absolutely no one's surprise he was drinking when he thought up this bright idea.
Now, I'm not going to go into details because the story is boring as shit and sappier than a split spruce, but what the hell is he thinking? What is he going to tell his family when he gets hit so hard on the first play that his prostate and several other vital organs eject from his body. A well conditioned, top shape 59 year old man is no match for a 22 year old lineman who downs 5 lbs of red meat, 3 creotine shakes and about a half cup of steroids a day. At least he's only 6 years away from Medicare. Ha!
I wonder if he's writing his will at the moment, or maybe he already has it jotted down on the elastic band of his soon to be useless jock strap. Well, at least the Grandkids will have an awesome story to tell. "How did your Grandpa die, Johnny", "He was running a slant play when he when he got hit and turned into a cloud of dust".
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