Saturday, August 18, 2007

Adrianne Curry. Run Yo Shit.

Former America's Top Model/VH1 Celebreality icon Adrianne Curry's car was broken into and stripped in her own driveway recently. You can read her emotionally-traumatized rant about it below, but the only question I have that remains unanswered yet is this: How much longer do you think Christopher Knight can hold off killing this girl accidentally during sex? I mean, there are only so many eye-rolls you can give to yourself before those repressed emotions start leaking out in other places. For instance, during a interlude of rough, tantric sex*. There is no position sexier than the "Prophyria's Lover".
In all seriousness, though, I guess Knight can't really complain. This chick is not only fantastically hot, if only in that borderline turbo-slut kinda way (which is actually fairly high on the Hot Girl Spectrum), but she also gave him back some semblance of a career in the entertainment business for the first time in three decades. And besides, look at that picture up there. I know very few girls that let me take pictures with them whilst I slide my thumb into the crack of their ass. I mean, I can only think of like.... twelve off the top of my head.

A Little More Adrianne:

The Last Two on the Right.... Best Red-Carpet Outfit... EVER.

* - And to be fair to Adrianne Curry, I WOULD kill Christopher Knight** to have tantric sex with her. Just throwing that out there, Adrianne, seeing if it sticks *fingers crossed*....
** - And to be fair to Christopher Knight, I WOULD kill Adrianne Curry to have tantric sex with him. Gotta get me some of that sweet, sweet Brady lovin'.

Full Story (BricksandStone)...

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