You heard me. $63 billion. But it only gets more hilarious from there. Highlights from this lawsuit include Riches accusations that Vick stole the pit bulls he used from him, and then set up the dogfighting ring to purchase "missiles from Iran". Vick, of course, needed these missiles after pledging allegiance to Al Qaeda last February.
This all seems very rational, evidenced by the fact that the suit was filed in handwritten scribble on a sheet of college-ruled looseleaf. Besides, what seems more reasonable than requesting that the aforementioned amount be left infront of the gates of the prison, backed by "gold and silver". Hell, if Michael Vick had "physically hurt my feelings and dash(ed) my hopes", I wouldn't be half as accomidating.
In all sincerity, I think America would benefit greatly from a law that makes anyone like this (who tries to jump on the proverbial legal bandwagon from a high-publicity court case) officially an accomplice. And then, fire them both out of a giant potato gun into an even more giant overturned helicopter rotor.
The Entire Story (TheSuperficial)...
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