Saturday, August 18, 2007

Let It Snow

Tony Snow, the current White House Press Secretary, announced Friday that he will be stepping down shortly from his post for financial reasons. Snow's departure comes soon after top political advisor, and Sith Lord, Karl Rove's similar announcement earlier this week.
Dropping like flies. And just like flies, their death is brought on by the final depletion of the bullshit pile they've been hovering around for the past, oh, 7 years. Though I will concede that the Press Secretary position is easily the leave enviable in the entire administration. Your entire life is pretty much just regurgitating the company line in the face of an angry, angry public. Like running Customer Service for Hell. That being said, Tony Snow used to work for Fox News, so I honestly don't see much of a change in job description from that position to his soon-to-be former one. In the end, we can only take the solace in the fact that the Bush administration has basically made the Republican party unelectable for the next decade ("President Romney" whispers through the wind, hauntingly). Which, of course, assumes that the upcoming elections actually procede according to the Constitution. But we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

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