Amanda Bynes, who only came to my mind because whenever I think about Hillary Duff, this
comes to mind in response (as well as the six years of time served in regards to the"Incident" taking place behind the lens thats taking it). is following in the footsteps of seemingly-everyone whose ever had their name used on a form of multimedia entertainment, and launching her own fashion line. Dubbed "Dear", I assume this clothing line will cater exclusively to the suddenly-not-jailbait-anymore crowd. Featured items will include padding-less bra's and will have eliminated the need for that extra bulky pocket space in which to store restraining orders.

Its nice to know that she got my letters, but I think Amanda misconstrued what I was trying to say. It wasn't meant as "Amanda, I love your clothes and want some of my own" so go out and start selling Bynes-brand clothes. It WAS meant as "Please send my your dresses so that I might wear them, and your soiled undergarments so that I might..... uh, you know what, I think I'll leave that up to your imagination."
And on the side, when I said "soiled", I meant "skid-marked". That Bynes girl poops herself all day long.. or so I've heard (read: imagined in my most beautiful dreams). Sexy.
(Pretty soon, my sense of humor will boil down to just randomly screaming out "POOOOOOOP!" before removing my pants and pretending to fly around at important family gatherings.)
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