Thursday, August 16, 2007

Vick Considering Plea

Michael "I Should Be Violently Beaten in Public by my Mother" Vick is apparently considering acquising to a plea agreement alongside the other two main defendants in his illegal dogfighting case. According to sources, the agreement stipulates that Vick is sentenced to one year of jail time, and would pay a hefty (yet meaningless) fine. Reportedly, Vick is awaiting a response from the NFL as to how his entering of a guilty plea would effect their own decision on how to reprimand him in-league.
Listen, this guy isn't a monster. That would be taking alot away from monsters. Michael Vick is more like a virulent insect. A pest, who would serve everyone around him better if he just left us all alone. There is nothing to fear nor respect about him. I could, of course, offer up another alternative punishment suggestion, probably including him being throughly marinated in raw beef before being bound and thrown into a cage of the surviving animals from his "entertainment operation", but that would be a waste of time. Here is what is GOING to happen: Vick will plead guilty (if he has even a basic primate brain, although I will not discount that he may be stuck at the reptilian level) and then he will serve around 5-6 months of a one year sentence, and pay out around 3% of his total 2006-2007 income in fines. THEN, he will vacation at his luxurious estate for another year while on suspension from the NFL, while doing dramatic interviews with Barbara Walters and other various squak box favorites about the entire incident. THEN, he will return to the Falcons, who will have failed to have the foresight to look for a new Q.B. between now and then, and lead them to another spectacular 6-10 season. And Mike Francesa will invent a new form of continuous stroke, which will just cause him to get worse and worse at every new detail as this unfolds, finally foaming blood at the mouth the broadcast before Vick's ultimate return, ultimately leading to his final, and long-awaited, commitment to psychiatric care.
Full Story (CNN)...

Psst....Run-on sentences rule. The next time your English teacher tells you otherwise, beat him/her to death under a raging torrent of comma's! MLA-format, my ass!

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