My poor Buffy! What foul, treacherous dark magic hath corrupted thee?!
Does Sarah Michelle Gellar have slow-speed A.I.D.S? I'm sure that question will sufficiently offend many, but seriously, this girl has been slowly physically deteriorating for the last half-decade. Up until recently, her inate hotness kept it from being well-noticed, but now we're just starting to get ridiculous. Of everyone male I know, I'm the last one to start going on and on about the virtues of so-called "thick chicks", but this is one girl who looked a hell-of-alot better with some meat on her bones. And by "hell-of-alot better", I mean "fucking gorgeous". As opposed to now, when I'm pretty sure she is preparing for the part of Famine in her upcoming film, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse....
Psst.. Demons. I think this might be your best shot. Although, she may just be able to use her own protruding bones to stake you now.
More SMG goodness to remind us of better times...

Buffy hath become the Hellmouth (Yeeeah!)...
More SMG goodness to remind us of better times...
Buffy hath become the Hellmouth (Yeeeah!)...
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