The queen of class, the dignity diva, Britney Spears has another notch of distinction to add to her belt. Apparently Spears and Criss Angel of the incredibly boring, yet some how highly rated show "MindFreak" were seen heading into a Beverly Hills Hotel hand in hand in the wee hours of the morning. I'm not sure what's more bothersome. Criss Angel's love for jewelery that I would have bought at a flea market in 1994 to match my Soundgarden shirt and chain wallet. Or. The fact that Britney Spears is still walking around with a bad wig on displaying a fearsome and formidable fore head, the likes of which even James Carville would be shamed by.
So. Britney has gone from white rappers and mannies to post-op, sorcerer trannies. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Criss Angel used to be a woman....or emo. Although, his odd look, knack for boring parlor tricks and affinity for trashy, used up, insecure women could also be partly because he's from Long Island. Maybe the MindFreak can perform some magic on her vagina and make it look less like an Arby's Roast Beef sandwich.
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