Saturday, August 18, 2007

We Need Us Some Spartans... Quick!

Tensions are escalating between the U.S. and Iran.... again. Iranian General Yahya Rahim, leader of the Revolutionary Guards, recently spoke out against Washington's revelation this week that the U.S. plans to identify the Guards officially as a "terrorist organization". This re-classification is based on the U.S. claim that the Guards have been aiding in the supplying and training of Iraqi Sunni militias to fight U.S. troops in the region, claims which the Guards have categorically denied. In response to this move, Gen. Rahim has made a series of oblique comments about how the Guards would deal America a "heavier punch... in the future".
Oh, isn't every step we take towards this inevitable war with Iran more hilarious (read: exasperatingly infuriating) than the one before it. Because whats better than one unwinnable Persian war: TWO! And this foe comes with additional bonus content such as a well-trained , organized and supplied army and nuclear capability. Its like the sequel to the Iraq War, and just like all sequels more people have to die in the second one than the first, including several main characters, which will set-up the plot arc for the catastrophic third act (see: possibly North Korea, Syria/Lebanon, Pakistan). The only problem (only problem?) is.. we haven't fucking finished the first act yet!
All of this will inevitably lead to a draft, and possibly the complete erosion of international alliances for the United States. So... uh.. yeah. Great age to be alive, huh? Leave it to me to be born in an era where I actually would've been better off living during the Cold War. Where's Leonidas when you need him? That guy hates Persians.

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