Now, I honestly cannot imagine what this tape would be like. Wait, yes I can, you can too, ever seen the Discovery Channel?? I'm sure there'll be snarling, fur flying, weed smoking and the ever present mating ritual of hitting your female aqauintance over the head with a empty 40 .oz of Colt 45. I guess once the novelty of being a successful , female african american, sex symbol (for those who make less than 12 thousand dollars a year) wears off you just have to start sucking dick on film. Which makes perfect sense for Ray-J as well. I mean, have you seen anything he's been in? This story is the Equivalent of Jaleel White banging Nia Long in 1996. Is it bad that I know their names by heart? Or is it worse that I rock this red bandana and a glock while puttin hata's in their place?? Even that sentence was far too grammatically correct for me to be accepted by my nubian brothers.
Thanks to the people at Bossip.com for this fine gem.
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