Friday, August 17, 2007

Secrets of the Hidden Lopez

Jennifer Lopez, She of the 88 Marriages, has won her lawsuit against ex-husband Ojani Noa over his to-be-published novel about their brief marital union. As per the terms of their divorce, Noa was blocked from revealing any details* about their relationship, a fact it seems that must've slipped his mind when he decided to reveal EVERY detail of said coupling to the world via trashy, pseudo-literature. And the bill for his little indiscretion: $545,000.
Yes, I do agree that this protruding forehead of a man does have it coming to him for thinking that he'd somehow slip this one by when he had already signed a legal document EXPLICITLY instructing him to never do anything like this. However, isn't it kinda funny when the penalty for Conspiracy to Expose J.Lo Secrets is barely enough for Lopez to pay the monthly electric bill for her mansion while simulatenously wiping this guy's bank account out and put him in debt for the next say, 30 years? Way to get revenge, Jennifer. Its not enough to grow embarassingly wealthy (off of no more talent than the size of your ass can provide) while this guy still eats his dinner at the local Wendy's. Now take away his Wendy's money, too! That'll show him for letting you leave him in order to better allocate your time for blowing record execs. Men are assholes.

* - Oh, and like all female celebrity secrets, you already know what it is. Three words: Throbbing Concealed Penis.

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